It is our hope that this letter finds you and your families safe and well during this new COVID-19 reality. Over the last several weeks, we have been available to our patients for urgent visits and telemedicine evaluations. We are happy to announce that we were able to reopen our office for patient visits on Tuesday May 26th 2020, in a careful and well-considered way. Our main concern is to keep our patients and staff healthy.
The following safeguards are going to be introduced:
- All staff will have their temperatures taken each day when they arrive at the office for their shift.
- The front door will remain locked at all times and patients will remain in their cars and call the office upon arrival.
- All patients will be asked COVID screening questions and have their temperatures taken prior to entering the office as well.
- All patients and staff must wear masks while in the office.
- Hand sanitizer, tissues, and hands-free trash receptacles will be available.
- Sneeze guards have been installed where appropriate.
- Regular sanitizing will be performed in public spaces as well as exam rooms using disinfectants appropriate for the surfaces being cleaned.
- Social distancing will be maintained in the waiting room and all clinical areas.
- We ask that no family members accompany patients except for those under 18 or those who need special assistance or accommodations.
- Special office hours will be designated for immunocompromised and those in the high risk categories.
- We will continue to direct ship contact lenses orders to the patient home or office.
During the first few weeks, the volume of patients evaluated will be less; we will add more each following week as safety allows. At this point, patients can choose to come to the office by appointment only or continue with telemedicine visits dictated by the severity of each person’s condition versus the safety of leaving one’s home. At this time we ARE NOT offering telemedicine appointments for routine eye exams, telemedicine is restricted to non-routine office visits only.
Suburban Eye Institute is committed to the care of our patients and the welfare of our communities. We look forward to seeing you soon!
You can request an appointment by giving the office a call at 908-464-0123 or you can fill out the contact form on our website!